Wednesday, March 14, 2007

My New Year's Resolution

The year 2006 went really fast. Last June, we were all newcomers in this classroom, second to the last from the other end of the corridor. Why am I saying this? Well, I guess, I can't seem to acept the fact that the school year is about to end. Sometimes, you do not get to mind the time when you're doing things that really keep you busy and those that really make you happy. A new year would always mean a new beginning to an end, and it will never be complete without a New Year's resolution. I have plans on what to do in mind, but I really have a hard time fulfilling them ever since grade one. But this year, it would be different. I'm makin these things happen. I will decide on a course to take in college this year. I will also arrange my application papers as early as possible. I also want to et rid of my bad habits like slacking off and taking too long in the bathroom. I also want to attend a seminar on time management, conducted by my mother, of course. I want to make things better this year. After all, what man is a man who does not make the world better.


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