Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Teaching to Learn

The best way to learn something is to actually teach it. No man is an island. We all need one another in order to survive and grow intellectually and spiritually. We might not know everything. Dealing with other people can help us discover and learn more. In teaching, we will face new trials and experiences. It is from these experiences that we get to learn and find out new things. Life is a learning process. Reaching out to others can mean reaching out to you as well.

For me, self-reliance is to be independent
It is to make decisions without others' consent
It is to stand up for truth and for what is right
It is to be strong during a fight

Self-reliance should also be unselfish
Relationships with others should not diminish
It is to believe in yourself as others do in you
Self-reliance should be practiced by me and you

Life is a tough battle
Sometimes, it becomes a shaking cradle
Count on yourself to survive in the end
But don't ever forget your friends
My Favorite Song

I have lots of favorite songs. I'm usually struck by the lyrics, arrangement, or composition. The most wonderful song I have ever heard is "Yesterday". It was written, arranged, and composed by Sir Paul McCartney together with his 1960s band, The Beatles. McCartney is my favorite Beatle. He shows his talen and genius in his songs. "Yesterday" is a sad song I know, but there's something in it that makes it difficult to forget. I never get tired of listening to it. I would sing it at the top of my lungs everytime I listen to it. I heard that it is one of the most played songs the world has ever listened to. Yesterday, written in 1965, brought a lot of money to its producers. There are now a lot of versions, but I still prefer the original version. The Beatles totally rock!
"If God can take care of birds
He can take care of us."

God, our Father, has always been there for us. Ever since from the beginning, He is the sole witness of each and everyone's lives. From the moment we first opened our eyes, up to the time we close them, He is with us. Small things and beings also matter to Him. He does not neglect His children and even the smallest of His creations. Humans are still dear to Him for we are created in His own image and likeness. God inspires us to treasure those people, things, and events that are dear to our hearts. His gifts, His creations.
My New Year's Resolution

The year 2006 went really fast. Last June, we were all newcomers in this classroom, second to the last from the other end of the corridor. Why am I saying this? Well, I guess, I can't seem to acept the fact that the school year is about to end. Sometimes, you do not get to mind the time when you're doing things that really keep you busy and those that really make you happy. A new year would always mean a new beginning to an end, and it will never be complete without a New Year's resolution. I have plans on what to do in mind, but I really have a hard time fulfilling them ever since grade one. But this year, it would be different. I'm makin these things happen. I will decide on a course to take in college this year. I will also arrange my application papers as early as possible. I also want to et rid of my bad habits like slacking off and taking too long in the bathroom. I also want to attend a seminar on time management, conducted by my mother, of course. I want to make things better this year. After all, what man is a man who does not make the world better.

Christmas 2006

Pleasing the Real Reason of the Season

Christmas is for everyone
Young, old, rich, poor
A time for worries to be gone
Everyone knows that for sure

How can I please him?
That cute little baby in a manger
Those innocent eyes looking at me
The scenario that shaped Christmas

This year was a blast for me
That I'll forever treasure wherever I may be
I wish to thank the Lord for everything he has given me
Hope the next year stays the same for me

How do I want to be remembered

Life is short they say
Many unpredictable things come your way
Life is not eternal and must come to an end
If I die, I want people to remember me as a friend

Yes, a friend indeed it's true
For I cheer up people when they are blue
I turn their nights into days
Guiding them through the proper path to take

People see me as a girl with no worries outside
There are things you just can't hide
I am a girl whose desires are set aside
To make a little sacrifice

Life is a journey we must all take
Happiness should never be at stake
Live your life to the fullest
Let God take care of the rest

"Conquer your demons or you will pass them on to your children."
> Bruce Lee

Never leave any work undone
Never leave any land untoiled
Soon your troubles will be gone
Earth shall bless thy soil

Conquer your demons, give them an end
Or your children shall be in agony
The curse must be remedied
To give peace to posterity

Leave no trouble behind
Be sure to see things through
To all else that moves, never be blind
Settle what is due to you

My Own Araby

This I am embarrassed to tell
Oh, I feel like I'm in hell
But I'll write it down anyway
Focus on every word I say

Summer of 2006 was a blast
My only frustration was that it happened so fast
I met a guy I was crazy for
What more could I ask for?

Cons outweighed the pros
My feelings were mixed up as they showed
I had a crush on my Taekwondo teacher
I had dreams of him and me together

Oh to smell the scent of his sweet perfume
I feel my consciousness was being consumed
He was so cute, good, and charming
No wonder he was more than I'm wanting

Saturday, March 10, 2007

“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day”
“But thy eternal summer shall not fade”

Love can indeed be compared to a summer’s day
Too short a time, how quickly the sun fades
With night right behind to rule the skies
Look how fast time flies

What can one ask for more?
But to be with the person he loves forever more
Life has its limit, it’s true
But love can last a lifetime, I tell you.

Even though God will grant me eternal rest
In heaven I shall forever reminisce
Those time when we were still together
Bounded by love with God at the center

No one or nothing can kill love
Not even death can keep us apart
For I will soar to the heavens like a dove
And forever cherish you, my love.