Friday, August 11, 2006

What I really want to say is...
What I really want to say right now is that the class has been very quiet. We are still very shy in expressing ourselves. I can observe that in everybody's behavior. This day has been kind of boring due to very long hours of nonstop talking made by teachers while students are still starting to get out of their shels. What I also want to say is I didn't want the summer break to end. It has been really great for me, and I just wish I could go back and extend it for one more month. I miss my newfound friends, and I want to continue attending Taekwondo classes even though some people at home do not approve of it. Why can't they understand the way I feel towards the sport? I like it. I enjoy engaging in it. I don't mind getting hurt and getting bruises because of it. I hope my friend wins this game in Vietnam. What I really want tos ay is he's got some talent. He's got the techniques and the will to win. He is one of the best, and some people fail to recognize that. I don't know what I want to do this school year. God, please help me.


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